The Red Wheelbarrow

The Red Wheelbarrow

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Dear Mr. Frost

Dear Mr. Frost,

I would like to make a criticism regarding your poem, “The Road Not Taken”. You must not sigh after you take the choice that you decided. If you go on “telling this with a sigh” (Frost), you will never be content with your choice. You must never look back, but live in the present. It is necessary “to look down one [choice’s effects] as far as I could” (Frost): Planning the future is crucial for one’s well-being, but let this not hamper your complete existence in this moment.

Do as my handbook to happiness instructs to do, and you will be content with every choice you make, however “equivocal”: “Do not seek to have events happen as you want them to, but instead want them to happen as they do happen, and your life will go well” (13.8). Do not grieve you’re the road not taken, but rather rejoice the one you did. Take joy in every path life leads you through, to make every experience constructive and positive. Finally, take joy in this moment, not hindering on the past, for from past only comes regret. Be happy with your choices and they shall always lead you to the best way.



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